Clean Guard


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Anti-germ nursing care beds

The surfaces of bock nursing care beds featuring the Clean Guard™ system are made from antimicrobial materials. As a result, they help prevent the spread of infections in nursing care homes.

Antimicrobial surfaces to prevent the spread of nosocomial infections

The frequency of nosocomial infections in hospitals and care homes is rising from year to year despite strict infection control measures, including hand washing and the frequent cleaning and disinfection of surfaces. That is why we at bock have developed the Clean Guard™ system: a permanently lasting surface treatment that prevents bacteria from turning our beds into their habitat.

It is well known that substances such as copper or silver exhibit a toxic effect on most microorganisms, even in very small quantities. This effect has also been proven in field tests. Large-scale tests at medical institutions such as the Asklepsios clinic in Hamburg-Wandsbek and Allgemeines Krankenhaus Hagen (Hagen General Hospital), both located in Germany, have demonstrated that antimicrobial surfaces at "hotspots" that are frequently touched by patients, family members and carers reduce the rate of infection and make a meaningful contribution to supplementing established infection control measures.
With the new nursing care beds featuring Clean Guard™, Hermann Bock GmbH is turning this knowledge into real-life benefits as a standard feature on beds for care homes, senior centres and home care. Nursing care beds with bock's Clean Guard™ system feature a permanently lasting antibacterial and antimicrobial protection based on metal ions. When used in conjunction with customary hygienic measures, this system creates an additional permanent barrier against all kinds of infections, including dangerous nosocomial "hospital bugs".